
Kateel Durgaparameshwari Temple

 Tulunad is known for its spiritual culture and tradition. We can find a large number of temples in tulunad. Almost everyone here has high faith in God. Devotees from all over the world used to visit these holy places. Many of the temples are well known for their architectural beauty and nature.

Among them, Kateel Durga Parameshwari temple is the most popular. Thousands of devotees visit Kateel every day to witness the Mother's grace. The temple is located in the middle of the Nandini River.

History: Looking at the sufferings of the people, the Jabali Maharishi(sage) decided to perform a yajna to satisfy the deities and to cause rain.

He went to Devloka and requested Devendra to send Kamadhenu help in the yajna. As Kamadhenu moved to Varuna Loka, Devendra asked to take her daughter Nandini to the proposed Yajna.

When the sage requested Nandini to be a part of the yajna, she started abusing the earth and the people of the earth. Also, she had refused to accompany him. So, the sage got angry and cursed her to flow as a river on the earth.

Nandini asked him to forgive her, the sage advised her to pray Adhishakti. Adhishakti told her that the curse of sage could not be taken back so she has to flow like a river as a result of the curse. Adhishakti assured that she herself will be born as a daughter to Nandini and free her from the curse.

Meanwhile Arunasura, a demon had performed rigorous penance and secured special powers from Lord Brahma and blessed with a boon that he cannot be killed by any two or four-legged creatures. 

He started misusing his powers by troubling the local people, sages, and even the devas. Helpless devas went to Adhishakti and prayed to save everyone from Arunasura.

Adhishakti took the avatar of  Mohini(a beautiful woman). Arunasura asked her to marry him, which she denied and teased him instead.

The angry demon tried to kill her, she turned herself into a rock. Arunasura broke the rock open to see an army of gigantic and furious bees flying towards him.

Adhishakti in the form of a bee (Ugra Bramari) stung him that led to his demise.

Devas led by Jabali performed abhisheka with tender coconut water and requested the Ugra Bramari to bless the world with her ‘Soumya Roopa’. Goddess Durgaparameshwari then appeared in her "Soumya Roopa" in the middle of the river Nandni.

The word 'Kati' means "center” and "lla" means area. Thus, the place is called Kateel. Kateel Yakshagaana Mela is a famous yakshagana group.

Also, in this temple devotees are served food(Annadan ) twice a day. 

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