
Polali Shri Raja Rajeshwari Temple

 The Shri Raja Rajeshwari Temple is situated in the town of Polali on the banks of River Phalguni. Earlier, the Goddess was known as Porala and the place was referred to as Pural. It is believed that this goddess is one with the power to create a universe and even destroy it.

A king named King Suratha lost his kingdom in the war. He met a saint named Sumedha in the forest who advised him to worship Mother Goddess Shakti. King Suratha created an idol of Goddess Shakti and subordinate deities at Polali and started worshiping the Goddess. He also started penance and, Goddess appeared before the king, he asked for the return of his kingdom and it was granted. Then, the king built a temple and he offered his own crown, studded with precious jewels on the head of the goddess. 

Polali Chendu is uniquely performed during the annual festival.

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