

Naga means snake. Worshiping snake is known as Nagaradhane in tulunad.It is everyone’s idol and visible divine so they believe in naga. In Mangalore and Udupi, we can find naga bana(the place where we can find snake idol) in most of the places. Lord Parashurama asked the people of thulunad to worship naga.  People lovingly dedicate turmeric powder and tender coconut to naga. The whole family attends nagaradhane for the wellness of the next generation, health, peace and happiness. It is believed that god naga will fulfill all the wishes of the devotees.

There are many forms of worshiping naga such as Thanu Abhisheka, Tambila, Ashlesha bali, Nagamandala etc. 

Nagamandala is one of the most lavish rituals in worship, it costs millions of rupees. So, people collectively celebrate this ritual. In Nagamandala, Naga Pathri will be holding Pingara(Areca flower) in his hand. It is believed that during this period god naga will arrive on his body. To please the god, Naga Kannike(Vaidya) dances in front of him.

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